Siv Scripts

Solving Problems Using Code

Fri 05 January 2018

@ Python's Matrix Multiplication Operator

Posted by Aly Sivji in Quick Hits   

2017 will forever be etched in our memories as the year Python overtook R to become the leading language for Data Science. There are many factors that play into this: Python's simple syntax, the fantastic PyData ecosystem, and of course buy-in from Python's BDFL.

PEP 465 introduced the @ infix operator that is designated to be used for matrix multiplication. The acceptance and implementation of this proposal in Python 3.5 was a signal to the scientific community that Python is taking its role as a numerical computation language very seriously.


Mon 01 January 2018

Increasing namedtuple Readability with Type Hints

Posted by Aly Sivji in Quick Hits   

Dynamic typing refers to programs checking variable types at runtime versus compile time. By not having to define the variable type as we write code, we can work faster and take advantage of duck typing.

On the other hand, we do miss out on some benefits that types bring. Similiar to how the principles of test-driven development force us to write smaller, more testable functions, thinking about types improves software design by making us cognizant of the values our variables hold as well as the values our functions can return.


Wed 17 May 2017

A Gentle Introduction to Context Managers: The Pythonic Way of Managing Resources

Posted by Aly Sivji in Tutorials   


  • Explore with statements and the context manager protocol
  • Implement context manager class to query MongoDB
  • Convert try...finally block to with block and increase code readability

I recently read Steve McConnell's Code Complete to level up my software development skill-set. The book has helped me become more deliberate about programming and problem solving in general. Before I sit down to write a single line of code, I take some time to plan out the work I am going to do versus code by the seat of my pants